Phew... I am done with my whirl wind interview tour... at least for now. Many medical schools interview well into February so more offers may come my way.
I wanted to share with you what I finally found to wear on the big day! Overall, I wanted a look that was professional and appropriate while still being feminine. Having interviewed at medical schools before I know that you see a lot of applicants in suits that are ill fitting, and often too large. Especially women applicants, for many I'm sure this is one of the first occasions where they've had to wear a suit, and most often the jackets are not tailored well and end up looking too loose or too boxy. I am most comfortable in skirts and dresses, so I wanted an entire skirt suit that gave me a chic preppy look without looking skanky or like Laura Bush.
I wore a jacket and skirt from The Limited. Not necessarily my first choice, but the only place I could find a tailored jacket with a little ruffle, that didn't seem too boxy and wasn't $300 or more. In this photo the bow is tied in the front, I however left the top two buttons of the jacket open and tied the bow in the back. It's hard to see in the photo, but the collar of the jacket has just a little ruffle to it.

Under the suit I wore the J. Crew Francis Cami in Ivory.
I also wore these shoes from Miss Me. In real life they aren't as clunky as they seem to be in the picture (although they aren't exactly dainty either). They are from last fall, and so comfortable which is a MUST during campus tours and interviews.

For jewelry I wore ivory colored pearl earrings and on my right ring finger a Banana Republic Micro Pave ring, which was in stores this spring. For a bag I carried this clutch, which I found at Target in San Francisco the day before my interview there.
The clutch may be a little too dressy for this occasion, but my favorite clutch the Latico
Bettina in a muted teal color seemed a little too every day for an interview.
As is typical for me, I opted to be overly formal as opposed to being too casual.
The admissions committees are meeting today, Thursday, and Friday. I should know from two of the schools whether or not I've been admitted by Friday... EEEK!
In all honesty, I'm scared... the nerves have finally kicked in, and that peaceful sense that whatever happened I would be in God's plan has definitely passed. Now I'm not afraid of not getting in, I'm afraid of getting in. It's such a large time and financial commitment. At the end of the day I know I want to be a stay at home mom, and yet, I'm not married, and don't have children and I know 76 percent of women work, meaning the majority of mom's either choose not to stay home or aren't able to do so. Knowing that, I feel like I should prepare myself to be in the workforce, and if I have to work I want to do something I'm passionate about. But I also don't want to seal my fate by putting all this time and money into an education I will then feel obligated to use... so scary! It's one of those moments where I feel like the outcome of my life will be determined at the end of this week... I know that's a little overdramatic... anyway... send positive thoughts my way, and if you think of it pray that whatever happens I will be perfectly within God's plan for my life.
Wow - I'm getting nervous just reading your post! Friday is so soon! I have to say that your wardrobe choices were perfect. I'm definitely in the school of thought that it's better to be a bit too formal than a bit too casual. If anything, you can always make last minute modifications to dress down your outfit, but it's harder to dress up. I will definitely be thinking of you and hoping that you're able to relax and breathe over the next few days :-)
I am sending warm wishes your way and keeping my fingers crossed for ya!! LOVE the outfit too!! xo
It's a hard decision to make as it is a LOT of schooling and hard work if you really don't want to work for the rest of you life. I'm not sure that med school would be my first choice IF I thought I'd eventually be a stay at home mom. However, once you are through with school and working in a practice, you will have flexibility regarding hours and days worked, so perhaps you would work 1-2 days a week in a pediatric or family practice office in order to keep up on the field and make some money for your family. I think that is perfectly respectable. While praying may seem, at times, like you aren't getting anywhere, I do believe (and have experienced) that all of God's plans for us will work themselves out. I'm living this right now (more details in the future!) and truly believe that he knows what he is doing. We are being led (sometimes we just don't know where or why). GL with this decision and with the acceptances. It will be a huge step for you either way.
That outfit is really perfect!
Good luck with your decision. I know how you feel, I do not plan on working after we have children and sometimes I wonder why I've put all this time and effort into my career. I did four years of undergrad, a year of grad, and I've spent two years taking courses and studying for my CPA. Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it.
Good luck with your decision, it is good that you are praying about it though. Email or post your email on my blog if you ever want to chat about it. = )
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