I have been contemplating the purchase of this Anthropologie Sheath Dress. I love the sheen of the fabric, and the pleating, plus the dress is on sale for $120.
Then imagine my delight when I found this look alike on one of my new favorite sites lulus.com. Better yet this version retails for $60! With fall coming I am more drawn to the version with sleeves... what do you think? Is it a close enough match for half the price?
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Grosgrain's April Snow GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
My April Snow GUEST GIVEAWAY!!!!
Grosgrain is hosting a fantastic April snow giveaway!
I love the vine earrings so stunning!

Just pop on over to her blog via the link!
Grosgrain is hosting a fantastic April snow giveaway!
I love the vine earrings so stunning!

Just pop on over to her blog via the link!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The Good Wife: A new favorite show look at these suits!
I just watched the pilot episode of the new show on CBS "The Good Wife." This is a new favorite show! I love the professional wardrobes in this episode, and I love the character development of Julianna Margulies character Alicia. This show is relevant and intriguing. Although it's not as funny as Boston Legal was, this show may become my Boston Legal replacement. In addition, how fantastic are some of these suits?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Preppy Classic Skirts and Pants, personal shop me please!
Hello Readers!
I'm at work and forgot to upload my photos last night, so I promise I'll do it tonight so you can see some of the medical school admissions celebration :)
In the meantime, I'm setting myself a budget in order to save up money for school, and to get an idea of how much money I really NEED to live on. One of those steps for me is of course budgeting for clothes. So I've been thinking of what classic items that need to be added to my closet. In addition to that, I have a consistent problem. I love buying shirts and blouses, love it. But I hate to buy bottoms of any kind. I just can never think of what I need or want to add to my closet. So I thought I would post some of my staple items (I as most people have some random items that don't get worn very often, but these are my season after season, week after week items), then perhaps you readers could tell me what bottoms I need to add? Later this week if I get around to it I'll post dresses, and blouses and what not. I think you all would be the best personal shoppers ever! So please send any and all applicable items my way :) This of course may seem way more fun to me than it is to you, so if you find this incredibly boring, do tell and I won't continue to drag you through my closet...
I have this banana republic pencil skirt in gray, black, and tan.
I have this black pencil skirt from the limited that I wore to my interviews.
I also have a skirt very similar to this Banana Republic skirt in cream.
I have a gray wool A-line skirt very similar to this from H & M.
I have this BCBG Mina Tulip high waist mini in royal blue.
I have two skirts similar to this Charlotte Russe Eyelet skirt in white and pink.
I have a long skirt similar to this one, only mine hits at the calf and has a long slit up the back... it's basically a long camel colored pencil skirt.
I have a black loose fit, just below the knee skirt similar to this one.
I have these pants from Gap in dark brown and a similar pair from Express in white.
I have a pair of wide leg pants from Macy's similar to these from Gap. Although mine don't tie and are closer to camel and the pattern is smaller with traces of blue and pink.
I have two pair of black pants similar to these.
I have a pair of Khakis from J. Crew (although the ones shown here are from Gap).
I have a pair of ankle length black leggings.
I have a pair of lightweight gray wool pants like these, except mine are more of a bootcut and have a black pinstripe.
I'm at work and forgot to upload my photos last night, so I promise I'll do it tonight so you can see some of the medical school admissions celebration :)
In the meantime, I'm setting myself a budget in order to save up money for school, and to get an idea of how much money I really NEED to live on. One of those steps for me is of course budgeting for clothes. So I've been thinking of what classic items that need to be added to my closet. In addition to that, I have a consistent problem. I love buying shirts and blouses, love it. But I hate to buy bottoms of any kind. I just can never think of what I need or want to add to my closet. So I thought I would post some of my staple items (I as most people have some random items that don't get worn very often, but these are my season after season, week after week items), then perhaps you readers could tell me what bottoms I need to add? Later this week if I get around to it I'll post dresses, and blouses and what not. I think you all would be the best personal shoppers ever! So please send any and all applicable items my way :) This of course may seem way more fun to me than it is to you, so if you find this incredibly boring, do tell and I won't continue to drag you through my closet...
I have this banana republic pencil skirt in gray, black, and tan.
I have this black pencil skirt from the limited that I wore to my interviews.
I also have a skirt very similar to this Banana Republic skirt in cream.
I have a gray wool A-line skirt very similar to this from H & M.
I have this BCBG Mina Tulip high waist mini in royal blue.
I have two skirts similar to this Charlotte Russe Eyelet skirt in white and pink.
I have a long skirt similar to this one, only mine hits at the calf and has a long slit up the back... it's basically a long camel colored pencil skirt.
I have a black loose fit, just below the knee skirt similar to this one.
I have these pants from Gap in dark brown and a similar pair from Express in white.
I have a pair of wide leg pants from Macy's similar to these from Gap. Although mine don't tie and are closer to camel and the pattern is smaller with traces of blue and pink.
I have two pair of black pants similar to these.
I have a pair of ankle length black leggings.
I have a pair of lightweight gray wool pants like these, except mine are more of a bootcut and have a black pinstripe.
So wonderful readers, what bottoms do I absolutely need to add to my wardrobe for this year?
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Busy weekend in my world, I have a wonderful post planned with fun pictures and everything, but for now I wanted to share my graces!
1. Getting into medical school... every day I wake up and open my eyes and say I can't believe I am going to be a doctor. After being wait listed twice, I was fully expecting to be wait listed again, and at the end of the year to put this dusty old dream on a shelf... That is thankfully not the plan that God had! :)
2. Visiting a friend at his new house, parking on the sloped driveway so that I couldn't help but notice that my front tire was completely threadbare on the inside. Thank you Lord that I noticed before I had a blowout!
3. Friends to celebrate with!
4. Meeting the preppy boyfriends boss for the first time (he's worked for the Culinary Institute of America for 2 years)
5. Having financial security... I am so thankful for where I am, and am starting to get worried/anxious about all the debt associated with medical school (the average doctor graduates $200,000 in debt). Right now I'm enjoying where I am and thankful for what I have, but it's going to be a big adjustment!
1. Getting into medical school... every day I wake up and open my eyes and say I can't believe I am going to be a doctor. After being wait listed twice, I was fully expecting to be wait listed again, and at the end of the year to put this dusty old dream on a shelf... That is thankfully not the plan that God had! :)
2. Visiting a friend at his new house, parking on the sloped driveway so that I couldn't help but notice that my front tire was completely threadbare on the inside. Thank you Lord that I noticed before I had a blowout!
3. Friends to celebrate with!
4. Meeting the preppy boyfriends boss for the first time (he's worked for the Culinary Institute of America for 2 years)
5. Having financial security... I am so thankful for where I am, and am starting to get worried/anxious about all the debt associated with medical school (the average doctor graduates $200,000 in debt). Right now I'm enjoying where I am and thankful for what I have, but it's going to be a big adjustment!
Friday, September 25, 2009
I will be a doctor in 2014....
This is so surreal, I haven't spoken the words aloud yet, but I have been accepted to medical school! I have to confess this is a pre-scheduled post, and I am by now out to dinner with friends making the big announcement! Hurray! After 14 years of working towards this goal, and applying two times only to be wait listed, I am pleased to announce that the third time was the charm and I have been admitted to TOURO University California College of Medicine!
Medical School Admissions Status.... Not the Wait List...
As I type this two things are occurring, first of all one school has met and decided my fate and my letter of acceptance, wait list, or rejection is sitting on the Dean's desk waiting for him to sign it -- very scary. The second scary thing is that an admissions committee is locked in a room, with my file, and the files of 50 other students, trying to decide which 12 of us (or so) they are going to admit, then this afternoon the Dean will see a letter addressed to me with either an offer of acceptance, wait list, or rejection. I'm equally nervous to be accepted, as I am to be rejected. And speaking from experience (although medical schools won't say this) for the majority of people being wait listed is really just prolonging the agonizing moment of rejection.
I have a full day of work ahead of me, and I'm trying not to check my email every ten seconds to see if something new has come in... EEK! So, instead I'm checking blogger every ten seconds to see if any of ya'll have any wonderful distraction to share... a new website? a new blog? an awesome pair of round toe gray slouchy boots? anything??
Update # 1: Heard from the school who's admissions committee was meeting this morning... Waitlisted.... Ach! Talk about the 9th circle of hell paired with the awkwardness of limbo... I'm looking at it as a rejection because this school waitlists 180 people when the initial class size is only 108. Still waiting to hear from school number 2 today....
And I'm thinking about Grace:
1. Days and days of rain in Austin
2. My dad's radiation implant was successful, and although I couldn't be there (due to a med school interview), my grandparents were there. He seems to be in higher spirits than he has been in a long time, and he has a few treatment free weeks to look forward to!
3. A sweet friend who dog sat for me while I was away interviewing. Thank You for loving on her while I was out of town!
4. Meeting a sweet and wonderful woman on the airplane back to Austin, she piqued my interest in selling mortgage protection insurance... does anyone know anything about this? Is it for real? Any information would be much appreciated!
5. Although, I'm nervous about the medical school admissions results, I'm at peace... and sort of oddly confident. For the first time in my life I am really learning to trust that God has a plan. I know we hear that all the time, and we talk about it all the time, but I have never really owned it the way I am now. Whatever the medical school outcome, I know the process of applying and closing this door once and for all is a part of God's plan, and a necessary moment in my life...
Welcome to my new followers! I know that blogging isn't a popularity contest, but it puts a smile on my face, and makes me feel special to log in and see that there are a few more people in the world who want to read my drivel on a regular basis! I promise that once I hear the results of these interviews, the blog will go back to more fun randomness, and be a less of a medical school application confessional!
I have a full day of work ahead of me, and I'm trying not to check my email every ten seconds to see if something new has come in... EEK! So, instead I'm checking blogger every ten seconds to see if any of ya'll have any wonderful distraction to share... a new website? a new blog? an awesome pair of round toe gray slouchy boots? anything??
Update # 1: Heard from the school who's admissions committee was meeting this morning... Waitlisted.... Ach! Talk about the 9th circle of hell paired with the awkwardness of limbo... I'm looking at it as a rejection because this school waitlists 180 people when the initial class size is only 108. Still waiting to hear from school number 2 today....
And I'm thinking about Grace:
1. Days and days of rain in Austin
2. My dad's radiation implant was successful, and although I couldn't be there (due to a med school interview), my grandparents were there. He seems to be in higher spirits than he has been in a long time, and he has a few treatment free weeks to look forward to!
3. A sweet friend who dog sat for me while I was away interviewing. Thank You for loving on her while I was out of town!
4. Meeting a sweet and wonderful woman on the airplane back to Austin, she piqued my interest in selling mortgage protection insurance... does anyone know anything about this? Is it for real? Any information would be much appreciated!
5. Although, I'm nervous about the medical school admissions results, I'm at peace... and sort of oddly confident. For the first time in my life I am really learning to trust that God has a plan. I know we hear that all the time, and we talk about it all the time, but I have never really owned it the way I am now. Whatever the medical school outcome, I know the process of applying and closing this door once and for all is a part of God's plan, and a necessary moment in my life...
Welcome to my new followers! I know that blogging isn't a popularity contest, but it puts a smile on my face, and makes me feel special to log in and see that there are a few more people in the world who want to read my drivel on a regular basis! I promise that once I hear the results of these interviews, the blog will go back to more fun randomness, and be a less of a medical school application confessional!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
My New Favorite Blog: Copy Cat Chic
Readers, I have a new favorite blog and you simply have to stop by and see how wonderful this blog is! Copy Cat Chic is a genius at finding (often identical), chic interior pieces, for less than chic prices... Here are some of the recent finds (all photos and prices courtesy of Copy Cat Chic).
Horchow version $495, JC Penney version $249.99
Horchow version $495, JC Penney version $249.99
Horchow Sunflow $286.90, Z Galerie $199, Pier 1 $39.99
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Medical School Interview Outfit: The Limited Suit, J. Crew Francis Cami, Miss Me Heels, Banana Republic ring, Target Clutch
Hello readers!
Phew... I am done with my whirl wind interview tour... at least for now. Many medical schools interview well into February so more offers may come my way.
I wanted to share with you what I finally found to wear on the big day! Overall, I wanted a look that was professional and appropriate while still being feminine. Having interviewed at medical schools before I know that you see a lot of applicants in suits that are ill fitting, and often too large. Especially women applicants, for many I'm sure this is one of the first occasions where they've had to wear a suit, and most often the jackets are not tailored well and end up looking too loose or too boxy. I am most comfortable in skirts and dresses, so I wanted an entire skirt suit that gave me a chic preppy look without looking skanky or like Laura Bush.
I wore a jacket and skirt from The Limited. Not necessarily my first choice, but the only place I could find a tailored jacket with a little ruffle, that didn't seem too boxy and wasn't $300 or more. In this photo the bow is tied in the front, I however left the top two buttons of the jacket open and tied the bow in the back. It's hard to see in the photo, but the collar of the jacket has just a little ruffle to it.

Under the suit I wore the J. Crew Francis Cami in Ivory.
I also wore these shoes from Miss Me. In real life they aren't as clunky as they seem to be in the picture (although they aren't exactly dainty either). They are from last fall, and so comfortable which is a MUST during campus tours and interviews.

For jewelry I wore ivory colored pearl earrings and on my right ring finger a Banana Republic Micro Pave ring, which was in stores this spring. For a bag I carried this clutch, which I found at Target in San Francisco the day before my interview there.
The clutch may be a little too dressy for this occasion, but my favorite clutch the Latico
Bettina in a muted teal color seemed a little too every day for an interview.
As is typical for me, I opted to be overly formal as opposed to being too casual.
The admissions committees are meeting today, Thursday, and Friday. I should know from two of the schools whether or not I've been admitted by Friday... EEEK!
In all honesty, I'm scared... the nerves have finally kicked in, and that peaceful sense that whatever happened I would be in God's plan has definitely passed. Now I'm not afraid of not getting in, I'm afraid of getting in. It's such a large time and financial commitment. At the end of the day I know I want to be a stay at home mom, and yet, I'm not married, and don't have children and I know 76 percent of women work, meaning the majority of mom's either choose not to stay home or aren't able to do so. Knowing that, I feel like I should prepare myself to be in the workforce, and if I have to work I want to do something I'm passionate about. But I also don't want to seal my fate by putting all this time and money into an education I will then feel obligated to use... so scary! It's one of those moments where I feel like the outcome of my life will be determined at the end of this week... I know that's a little overdramatic... anyway... send positive thoughts my way, and if you think of it pray that whatever happens I will be perfectly within God's plan for my life.
Phew... I am done with my whirl wind interview tour... at least for now. Many medical schools interview well into February so more offers may come my way.
I wanted to share with you what I finally found to wear on the big day! Overall, I wanted a look that was professional and appropriate while still being feminine. Having interviewed at medical schools before I know that you see a lot of applicants in suits that are ill fitting, and often too large. Especially women applicants, for many I'm sure this is one of the first occasions where they've had to wear a suit, and most often the jackets are not tailored well and end up looking too loose or too boxy. I am most comfortable in skirts and dresses, so I wanted an entire skirt suit that gave me a chic preppy look without looking skanky or like Laura Bush.
I wore a jacket and skirt from The Limited. Not necessarily my first choice, but the only place I could find a tailored jacket with a little ruffle, that didn't seem too boxy and wasn't $300 or more. In this photo the bow is tied in the front, I however left the top two buttons of the jacket open and tied the bow in the back. It's hard to see in the photo, but the collar of the jacket has just a little ruffle to it.

Under the suit I wore the J. Crew Francis Cami in Ivory.
I also wore these shoes from Miss Me. In real life they aren't as clunky as they seem to be in the picture (although they aren't exactly dainty either). They are from last fall, and so comfortable which is a MUST during campus tours and interviews.

For jewelry I wore ivory colored pearl earrings and on my right ring finger a Banana Republic Micro Pave ring, which was in stores this spring. For a bag I carried this clutch, which I found at Target in San Francisco the day before my interview there.
The clutch may be a little too dressy for this occasion, but my favorite clutch the Latico
Bettina in a muted teal color seemed a little too every day for an interview.
As is typical for me, I opted to be overly formal as opposed to being too casual.
The admissions committees are meeting today, Thursday, and Friday. I should know from two of the schools whether or not I've been admitted by Friday... EEEK!
In all honesty, I'm scared... the nerves have finally kicked in, and that peaceful sense that whatever happened I would be in God's plan has definitely passed. Now I'm not afraid of not getting in, I'm afraid of getting in. It's such a large time and financial commitment. At the end of the day I know I want to be a stay at home mom, and yet, I'm not married, and don't have children and I know 76 percent of women work, meaning the majority of mom's either choose not to stay home or aren't able to do so. Knowing that, I feel like I should prepare myself to be in the workforce, and if I have to work I want to do something I'm passionate about. But I also don't want to seal my fate by putting all this time and money into an education I will then feel obligated to use... so scary! It's one of those moments where I feel like the outcome of my life will be determined at the end of this week... I know that's a little overdramatic... anyway... send positive thoughts my way, and if you think of it pray that whatever happens I will be perfectly within God's plan for my life.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Cuddle Up and Read a Book
Readers... phew...
I am overwhelmed! With all the traveling and interviews earlier this week, I came home tired and anxious. The preppy boyfriend is traveling which leaves me home alone to take care of the three preppy dogs, and the preppy house, after working all day and not getting home until after 6:00 PM.
I have more traveling and another interview on Monday. My dad also has his first radiation treatment on Monday and I'm unable to make it out due to the interview. My grandparents are making me feel guilty for not coming out for the treatment.
At work I'm having a most frustrating week... overall I just want to say I quit for now, curl up in this delicious library, with a cup of tea
or in this soothing bath with a bottle of champagne,
and read this book....
I am overwhelmed! With all the traveling and interviews earlier this week, I came home tired and anxious. The preppy boyfriend is traveling which leaves me home alone to take care of the three preppy dogs, and the preppy house, after working all day and not getting home until after 6:00 PM.
I have more traveling and another interview on Monday. My dad also has his first radiation treatment on Monday and I'm unable to make it out due to the interview. My grandparents are making me feel guilty for not coming out for the treatment.
At work I'm having a most frustrating week... overall I just want to say I quit for now, curl up in this delicious library, with a cup of tea
or in this soothing bath with a bottle of champagne,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Thank You According to Nina and Lisa Porter
One of my favorite things about being a member of blog land is the wonderful and creative bloggers I have met.
Recently, two such bloggers created wonderful pieces for me. Nina B. of According to Nina created wonderful note cards that I will be sending to the medical school admissions staff and committee as a thank you for my interview day. Thank You Nina, these cards are stunning! Nina was so easy to work with, and I enjoyed getting to know her better through the process. She created these gorgeous cards, with almost no direction from me, and yet they are everything I wanted and more! Nina creates wonderful designs for any occasion, visit her blog to get to know her better and see more of her work.
(I cut my name off, but imagine a beautiful name in stunning navy script at the on the top 1/2 of the card)
The lovely Lisa Porter of the ever wonderful Lisa Porter Collection , also created a stunning watercolor of the preppy family home that we gave to Preppy Mother for her birthday! Lisa was also a joy to work with! She created the stunning piece of art in two weeks, express shipped it and gift wrapped it so it would be there on time for Preppy Mothers birthday. Lisa is a rare painter, she paints both structures and people. She confessed to me that she loves to paint babies. Please stop by and browse Lisa's blog, and I assure you a watercolor is a wonderful preppy gift for anyone!
Thank you both ladies, I greatly appreciate your talent and am so glad I've had the pleasure to work with you both.
Recently, two such bloggers created wonderful pieces for me. Nina B. of According to Nina created wonderful note cards that I will be sending to the medical school admissions staff and committee as a thank you for my interview day. Thank You Nina, these cards are stunning! Nina was so easy to work with, and I enjoyed getting to know her better through the process. She created these gorgeous cards, with almost no direction from me, and yet they are everything I wanted and more! Nina creates wonderful designs for any occasion, visit her blog to get to know her better and see more of her work.
(I cut my name off, but imagine a beautiful name in stunning navy script at the on the top 1/2 of the card)
The lovely Lisa Porter of the ever wonderful Lisa Porter Collection , also created a stunning watercolor of the preppy family home that we gave to Preppy Mother for her birthday! Lisa was also a joy to work with! She created the stunning piece of art in two weeks, express shipped it and gift wrapped it so it would be there on time for Preppy Mothers birthday. Lisa is a rare painter, she paints both structures and people. She confessed to me that she loves to paint babies. Please stop by and browse Lisa's blog, and I assure you a watercolor is a wonderful preppy gift for anyone!
Thank you both ladies, I greatly appreciate your talent and am so glad I've had the pleasure to work with you both.
Monday, September 14, 2009
San Francisco and Las Vegas
Thank You all for the sweet thoughts and comments! Thankfully I caught the next available flight to San Francisco with no problems!
I finished with my first interview this afternoon. Overall, I'm at peace, I really like the school... but I don't know how I did (these things are kind of set up to leave you wondering). I'm okay with not knowing, I really just have a sense of calm knowing that God can't plan the ends without planning the means. And if I'm supposed to be a Dr. and I've done all I can do to get there, I know that the right doors will open. Whether here or elsewhere. So... see you later San Francisco....
Vegas Here I come!
I have another interview tomorrow morning. Send prayers and positive thoughts my way. The interview this morning was sort of hostile and they asked several really hard questions, oddly enough I prefer that type of interview to an interview where they ask you sort of open ended questions like "What are your weaknesses?" The school I'm interviewing at tomorrow sort of has a reputation for asking these kind of questions... I'm hoping to be able to answer these questions as directly and without blabbing as possible... EEEEKK! I'm looking forward to the weekend!
I will be a little MIA from commenting this week, but each of you are in my thoughts, and I promise that I'll read up when I get done interviewing and caught up on work!
Travel blog.com
I finished with my first interview this afternoon. Overall, I'm at peace, I really like the school... but I don't know how I did (these things are kind of set up to leave you wondering). I'm okay with not knowing, I really just have a sense of calm knowing that God can't plan the ends without planning the means. And if I'm supposed to be a Dr. and I've done all I can do to get there, I know that the right doors will open. Whether here or elsewhere. So... see you later San Francisco....
Vegas Here I come!
Google Images
I have another interview tomorrow morning. Send prayers and positive thoughts my way. The interview this morning was sort of hostile and they asked several really hard questions, oddly enough I prefer that type of interview to an interview where they ask you sort of open ended questions like "What are your weaknesses?" The school I'm interviewing at tomorrow sort of has a reputation for asking these kind of questions... I'm hoping to be able to answer these questions as directly and without blabbing as possible... EEEEKK! I'm looking forward to the weekend!
I will be a little MIA from commenting this week, but each of you are in my thoughts, and I promise that I'll read up when I get done interviewing and caught up on work!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
I missed my flight...
Good morning readers,
My medical school interviews are off to a not so great start. I missed my flight out of Austin this morning, waking up 50 minutes after my plane left. I am so embarrassed, but overall thankful and trying to sort of take this in stride. I set my alarm for 3:45 AM, verified the volume was on, laid down, slept and woke up 50 minutes after my plane left with no sound of the alarm ever ringing in my ears. My best guess is that I shut it off in my sleep without realizing it.
Eeeek! I'm getting nervous for the interview, and trying not to read too much into a missed flight. I have never, missed a flight. What a time to miss my first one!
On the plus side, American Airlines was great to deal with, although I was on the verge of tears, the reservations person I spoke with was very calming and reassuring and couldn't have been more kind or helpful. I'm scheduled on a flight out of Austin, and will fly standby on my connection to my final destination. Please say prayers and send positive thoughts my way that I make the first available connection. The reservations agent said I will definitely get to my final destination today it just depends on which flight. Another wonderful thing to note, American did not charge me a penalty for missing my flight and having to catch another! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You American. I wish I had gotten the name of the reservations agent because she certainly deserves a personal Thank You card!
*photo courtesy of wings on the web
On a lighthearted note, I was looking at my google analytics account and the best keyword search ever led someone to my blog... the key word was "Weird People Who Blog About Being Preppy" tres awsome, no? hehehe
1. Rain in Austin, lots and lots of rain
2. A sense that its okay I missed my flight
3. The ease with which I was scheduled on another flight out of Austin
4. Although my travel so far as been sticky, I still have a sense of peace and confidence about the actual interview
5. Refreshing one on one time with preppy boyfriend last night
My medical school interviews are off to a not so great start. I missed my flight out of Austin this morning, waking up 50 minutes after my plane left. I am so embarrassed, but overall thankful and trying to sort of take this in stride. I set my alarm for 3:45 AM, verified the volume was on, laid down, slept and woke up 50 minutes after my plane left with no sound of the alarm ever ringing in my ears. My best guess is that I shut it off in my sleep without realizing it.
Eeeek! I'm getting nervous for the interview, and trying not to read too much into a missed flight. I have never, missed a flight. What a time to miss my first one!
On the plus side, American Airlines was great to deal with, although I was on the verge of tears, the reservations person I spoke with was very calming and reassuring and couldn't have been more kind or helpful. I'm scheduled on a flight out of Austin, and will fly standby on my connection to my final destination. Please say prayers and send positive thoughts my way that I make the first available connection. The reservations agent said I will definitely get to my final destination today it just depends on which flight. Another wonderful thing to note, American did not charge me a penalty for missing my flight and having to catch another! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You American. I wish I had gotten the name of the reservations agent because she certainly deserves a personal Thank You card!
*photo courtesy of wings on the web
On a lighthearted note, I was looking at my google analytics account and the best keyword search ever led someone to my blog... the key word was "Weird People Who Blog About Being Preppy" tres awsome, no? hehehe
1. Rain in Austin, lots and lots of rain
2. A sense that its okay I missed my flight
3. The ease with which I was scheduled on another flight out of Austin
4. Although my travel so far as been sticky, I still have a sense of peace and confidence about the actual interview
5. Refreshing one on one time with preppy boyfriend last night
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Piperlime Carries Clothing
Readers, I may be posting sporadically over the next few weeks. I have lots of traveling to do for upcoming medical interviews. This also means lots of days out of the office and lots of catch up on work while I'm home... This leads me to a question, do you prepare your posts in advance? I've been thinking of writing up a few posts and then if I don't have time to write something off the cuff, I'll at least have something to put up... does anyone do this or is it considered bad form?
Now on to the subject of this post, earlier this week (or maybe last week-- it's all running together lately), Piperlime has started selling high end women's clothing labels, including theory, Marc Jacobs, and Seven Jeans.
In addition to having Rachel Zoe pick her favorite shoes on the site, she is now picking out her favorite looks from the site including shoes, bag, and now clothing. Overall, I'm not swooning over every item, but there are several great pieces.
*All pictures courtesy of Piperlime.com
Now on to the subject of this post, earlier this week (or maybe last week-- it's all running together lately), Piperlime has started selling high end women's clothing labels, including theory, Marc Jacobs, and Seven Jeans.
In addition to having Rachel Zoe pick her favorite shoes on the site, she is now picking out her favorite looks from the site including shoes, bag, and now clothing. Overall, I'm not swooning over every item, but there are several great pieces.
*All pictures courtesy of Piperlime.com
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering 9/11
The flag that flew over the world trade centers was brought to the stage at the memorial service today in NYC
President Obama in the rain, shaking hands with family members of those who lost their lives in the attack on the Pentagon
We Will Never Forget
*all photos from the New York Times
President Obama in the rain, shaking hands with family members of those who lost their lives in the attack on the Pentagon
We Will Never Forget
*all photos from the New York Times
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Coco Before Chanel and Fashion Week Begins
It's official readers, Fashion Week has begun... are you as giddy as I am?
In honor of fashion week, I thought I would share a link to the movie Coco Before Chanel, which is of course about the awe inspiring designer. I adore the French language and am so excited that this movie is in French and not English. It seems this movie has already made it's international premier but will be making its US debut September 25th in LA and NY. You can watch the preview from Sony Films here .
Did any of you catch the Lifetime movie about Coco Chanel's life staring Shirley MacLaine that aired this past spring. It received mixed reviews from the critics but I really enjoyed it.
I am however thrilled to see Audrey Tautou playing Coco in this rendition. At the recommendation of Canadian Preppy, I recently watched Audrey in Priceless. I think she is simply stunning, and cannot wait to see this movie!
In honor of fashion week, I thought I would share a link to the movie Coco Before Chanel, which is of course about the awe inspiring designer. I adore the French language and am so excited that this movie is in French and not English. It seems this movie has already made it's international premier but will be making its US debut September 25th in LA and NY. You can watch the preview from Sony Films here .
Did any of you catch the Lifetime movie about Coco Chanel's life staring Shirley MacLaine that aired this past spring. It received mixed reviews from the critics but I really enjoyed it.
I am however thrilled to see Audrey Tautou playing Coco in this rendition. At the recommendation of Canadian Preppy, I recently watched Audrey in Priceless. I think she is simply stunning, and cannot wait to see this movie!
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