Wednesday, October 21, 2009

30 day shred and Boondock Saints II

I just received my copy of the 30 day shred, and as I'm exactly 31 days away from my Mexico vacation I'll be starting the shred tomorrow! Hopefully I'll be posting updates as to how its going! I've also been watching what I eat, and since my employer basically said she was canceling our gym memberships if we didn't use them I'll be doing a few spin classes a week at my gym. I'm not looking for drastic results, just a little more toning (I mean honestly I have cellulite on my CALVES? What in the world?), and maybe a 3 or 4 pound weight loss!

PS has anyone heard about Jillian's new show "losing it with Jillian" it'll be on NBC and it'll feature Jillian moving in with a family for a week and telling them how bad all their choices are for themselves. Sounds good! Also, if any of you out there are fans of the movie Boondock Saints it looks like there is a sequel (maybe not new, but new to me Boondock Saints II All Saints Day)

Summary and photo courtesy of

1 comment:

Jenny @ Practically Perfect... said...

Have fun with The Shred - it's one of my fave workouts :-)