BLC over at The Company She Keeps has been gracious enough to pass along several awards to my little blog. Thank you so much, I am so grateful to have found such wonderful blogging friends who constantly expand my world with their insight, their eye for a good deal, and their ability to compose a witty statement and a smart outfit.
The first award is "Honest Scrap" 

Step 1: Choose a minimum of 7 blogs for brilliance in content/design.
Step 2: Show the winners and let them know
Step 3: List at least ten honest things about yourself
Truthful Tidbits:
a. I'm a planner, I plan everything. Vacations to Puerto Rico that we'll never take just b/c the airline sent me an email advertising a cheap flight, how I'm going to spend the $5 I found in the dryer, what I'm going to eat (actually I just think really hard about it and tell Cheffie what I want and he makes it - It's like having my very own genie), What I'm going to buy Cheffie's family for Christmas next year, what I'm going to read next, and next after that, and next after that.... you get the idea
b. I love to cook... don't tell Cheffie I just let him do it because who doesn't want gourmet dinner?
c. I'm a baby talker... I know it's lame and embarrassing, but animals, dogs, and even Cheffie bring out this cutsie annoying voice in me.
d. I never buy clothes that aren't on sale
e. I want to go to Africa for three months this fall to provide medical care for street children and child prostitutes
f. I'm taking a pharmacology course and I love it, I wish I could go back to college all over again
g. I'm not sure I want to have children... certainly humanity won't go into extinction if I don't pro-create?
h. I've told myself I don't like chocolate often enough that I'm starting to believe it -now I'm waiting for the pounds to melt off :)
i. I have a personal vendetta against Kim Kardashian, nobody should be famous for having a big rear end in a homemade sex tape.... honestly what are young girls supposed to aspire to be?
j. I haven't re-applied to medical school because I'm afraid I'll be wait-listed for the third time, which in my overachiever world equals the largest failure of my life....
The blogs I adore to read and would love to know more about the author are:
Habitually Chic
I Pick Pretty
Monograms and Manicures
Pink Cashmere Cardigan
Southern Hospitality
The Dirty Martini Diaries
There are more to come, but for now I'm afraid I must get back to work!
I Pick Pretty
Monograms and Manicures
Pink Cashmere Cardigan
Southern Hospitality
The Dirty Martini Diaries
There are more to come, but for now I'm afraid I must get back to work!
thank you for the award!!!!
I also dislike Kim Kardashian...she drives me insane!
Hi, Prepster, thank you for the award & for coming by to see me. So nice to meet you. and no, I haven't gotten this one, so I will add it to my blog (all of my awards are at the bottom of my blog) and put your name on it. I really appreciate it so much. I'm terrible at playing along with the rules, but I appreciate you giving it to me. Hope you'll come back to see me often!
Thank you!! Ditto on the Kim Kardashian thing, what is this world coming to???
Thank you so much for the award & for stopping by my blog, Prepster! I'm honored.
With you on Kardashian & would like to nominate her to Preppy Princess' "Anti-Prep Hall of Fame" stat.
Thank you sooo much for the award! I'm working on a response to the tag ASAP!
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